As born again Christians, we are supremely blessed to have a bold and direct approach to God during our Bible studies, worship and prayer times, and daily Christian walk. If you want to get saturated with more mercy and grace of God, always be in the mood to approach the throne room and you'll stay under such fountains.
Reference: Hebrews 4:16 New International Version (NIV) 'Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.'
God's throne room is the most powerful force in our Christian lives. Once you approach the throne room with confidence, here are two things to expect: first, you are automatically qualified to receive mercy, and second, you'll locate sufficient grace you need to help you in time of need. Now that you know that God's throne room is occupied with mercy and grace, you can sense the reason the enemy tries to distract you from enjoying a quality fellowship with God and a vibrant prayer life. He knows that no matter what the situation is, how bad or inadequate you feel, or how big or small your need is, once you approach the throne room, mercy and grace are ready to attend to you.
However, note the important truth about these two divine agents (mercy and grace) : Mercy is already prepared for you. As a born again Christian, you don't pray for mercy; its like a parcel waiting to be received. But its your responsibility to find the grace that will help you to meet your need. Again notice that the Scripture says, 'KJV': "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Mercy is not a problem; its easily obtainable because it is God's loving kindness, compassion, or forbearance shown to everyone through Christ.
As for grace, we have different levels and specifications, and so you must find the specific one that addresses your need. For instance, we have sustaining grace, special grace for excellence, intervening grace, enabling grace, grace that empowers us to live right, healing grace, grace of completion, and more. In other words, the only way to meeting our needs is through the doorway of grace.
Beloved, always remember that we are privileged in Christ to have direct access to God. This is as a result of our oneness with God through our Lord Jesus! The people of the Old Covenant suffered or experienced distance and separation from God. When God appeared even to His servant Moses, He said, "Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet" (see Exodus 3:4-5) and also when He revealed Himself on Mount Sinai to His own chosen people, one of the instructions was, "You shall set limits for the people all around" (see Exodus 19:11-12). This shows us that the thought of distance from God was always prominent in those days. It was so, even in the sacred worship of the tabernacle and the temple.
Think about this: the majority of the Old Covenant people could not even enter the outer court, let alone the inner court. The priests might dare to approach the inner court, while the high priest entered into the innermost place, or the holy of holies, only once in the year (Hebrews 9:6-7). It was as though God was letting man know that their sins were utterly disgusting to Him. God somehow avoided any proximity with man and treated him as if they were leprous. When He came closest to them, He still made them perceive the reality and extent of the separation between a holy God and a depraved sinner.
Now that you've understood the value of bold and direct approach, approaching the throne of grace should not be a matter of knowing this popular Scripture (Hebrews 4:16) by heart. The question is: Do we know it by experience? If we know it, are we living in the power of it? Bold and direct approach to God is wonderful, and yet many Christians overlook it. The dwelling place of God is with us now, not when we get to heaven. His presence dwells with us and the Holy Spirit, in us now. Be confident and assured that nobody understands you and your situation better than the Holy Spirit. Therefore take advantage of His daily fellowship with you so you can enjoy mercy and grace from the throne room.
Scripture Reading - Ephesians 2:18; Romans 5:1-2; Ephesians 3:12; Hebrews 3:6; Hebrews 10:19-23.
Exuberant Declaration: Thanks be unto God who grants me sufficient mercy and grace to face life's circumstances and rule over all things, through our Lord Jesus Christ. The razor-sharp truth of the Word of God builds my faith strong and gives me confidence. By having a consistent, direct approach to the throne room, I'm positioned to walk in victory, excellence, righteousness and blessings all the way and all my needs are abundantly supplied, irrespective of challenges of life. Hallelujah!